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- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software }
- { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, }
- { Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RXIni;
- interface
- {$I RX.INC}
- uses {$IFDEF WIN32} Windows, Registry, {$ELSE} WinTypes, WinProcs, {$ENDIF}
- Classes, IniFiles, Graphics;
- type
- TReadObjectEvent = function(Sender: TObject; const Section,
- Item, Value: string): TObject of object;
- TWriteObjectEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Section, Item: string;
- Obj: TObject) of object;
- { TRxIniFile }
- TRxIniFile = class(TIniFile)
- private
- FListItemName: String;
- FOnReadObject: TReadObjectEvent;
- FOnWriteObject: TWriteObjectEvent;
- function GetItemName: string;
- procedure SetItemName(const Value: string);
- function ReadListParam(const Section: string; Append: Boolean; List: TStrings): TStrings;
- protected
- procedure WriteObject(const Section, Item: string; Index: Integer; Obj: TObject); dynamic;
- function ReadObject(const Section, Item, Value: string): TObject; dynamic;
- public
- constructor Create(const FileName: string);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Flush;
- procedure DeleteKey(const Section, Ident: String);
- {$ENDIF}
- { ini-file read and write methods }
- function ReadClearList(const Section: string; List: TStrings): TStrings;
- function ReadList(const Section: string; List: TStrings): TStrings;
- procedure WriteList(const Section: string; List: TStrings);
- function ReadColor(const Section, Ident: string; Default: TColor): TColor;
- procedure WriteColor(const Section, Ident: string; Value: TColor);
- function ReadFont(const Section, Ident: string; Font: TFont): TFont;
- procedure WriteFont(const Section, Ident: string; Font: TFont);
- function ReadRect(const Section, Ident: string; const Default: TRect): TRect;
- procedure WriteRect(const Section, Ident: string; const Value: TRect);
- function ReadPoint(const Section, Ident: string; const Default: TPoint): TPoint;
- procedure WritePoint(const Section, Ident: string; const Value: TPoint);
- { properties }
- property ListItemName: string read GetItemName write SetItemName;
- property OnReadObject: TReadObjectEvent read FOnReadObject write FOnReadObject;
- property OnWriteObject: TWriteObjectEvent read FOnWriteObject write FOnWriteObject;
- end;
- function StringToFontStyles(const Styles: string): TFontStyles;
- function FontStylesToString(Styles: TFontStyles): string;
- function FontToString(Font: TFont): string;
- procedure StringToFont(const Str: string; Font: TFont);
- function RectToStr(Rect: TRect): string;
- function StrToRect(const Str: string; const Def: TRect): TRect;
- function PointToStr(P: TPoint): string;
- function StrToPoint(const Str: string; const Def: TPoint): TPoint;
- function DefProfileName: string;
- function DefLocalProfileName: string;
- const
- idnListItem = 'Item';
- implementation
- Uses SysUtils, Forms, rxStrUtils {$IFNDEF WIN32}, Str16 {$ENDIF};
- const
- idnListCount = 'Count';
- idnDefString = #255#255;
- Lefts = ['[', '{', '('];
- Rights = [']', '}', ')'];
- { Utilities routines }
- function DefLocalProfileName: string;
- begin
- Result := ChangeFileExt(Application.ExeName, '.INI');
- end;
- function DefProfileName: string;
- begin
- Result := ExtractFileName(DefLocalProfileName);
- end;
- function FontStylesToString(Styles: TFontStyles): string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- if fsBold in Styles then Result := Result + 'B';
- if fsItalic in Styles then Result := Result + 'I';
- if fsUnderline in Styles then Result := Result + 'U';
- if fsStrikeOut in Styles then Result := Result + 'S';
- end;
- function StringToFontStyles(const Styles: string): TFontStyles;
- begin
- Result := [];
- if Pos('B', UpperCase(Styles)) > 0 then Include(Result, fsBold);
- if Pos('I', UpperCase(Styles)) > 0 then Include(Result, fsItalic);
- if Pos('U', UpperCase(Styles)) > 0 then Include(Result, fsUnderline);
- if Pos('S', UpperCase(Styles)) > 0 then Include(Result, fsStrikeOut);
- end;
- function FontToString(Font: TFont): string;
- begin
- with Font do
- Result := Format('%s,%d,%s,%d,%s,%d', [Name, Size,
- FontStylesToString(Style), Ord(Pitch), ColorToString(Color),
- {$IFDEF RX_D3} Charset {$ELSE} 0 {$ENDIF}]);
- end;
- type
- THackFont = class(TFont);
- procedure StringToFont(const Str: string; Font: TFont);
- const
- Delims = [',', ';'];
- var
- FontChange: TNotifyEvent;
- Pos: Integer;
- I: Byte;
- S: string;
- begin
- FontChange := Font.OnChange;
- Font.OnChange := nil;
- try
- Pos := 1;
- I := 0;
- while Pos <= Length(Str) do begin
- Inc(I);
- S := Trim(ExtractSubstr(Str, Pos, Delims));
- case I of
- 1: Font.Name := S;
- 2: Font.Size := StrToIntDef(S, Font.Size);
- 3: Font.Style := StringToFontStyles(S);
- 4: Font.Pitch := TFontPitch(StrToIntDef(S, Ord(Font.Pitch)));
- 5: Font.Color := StringToColor(S);
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- 6: Font.Charset := TFontCharset(StrToIntDef(S, Font.Charset));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Font.OnChange := FontChange;
- THackFont(Font).Changed;
- end;
- end;
- function RectToStr(Rect: TRect): string;
- begin
- with Rect do
- Result := Format('[%d,%d,%d,%d]', [Left, Top, Right, Bottom]);
- end;
- function StrToRect(const Str: string; const Def: TRect): TRect;
- var
- S: string;
- Temp: string[10];
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Def;
- S := Str;
- if (S[1] in Lefts) and (S[Length(S)] in Rights) then begin
- Delete(S, 1, 1); SetLength(S, Length(S) - 1);
- end;
- I := Pos(',', S);
- if I > 0 then begin
- Temp := Trim(Copy(S, 1, I - 1));
- Result.Left := StrToIntDef(Temp, Def.Left);
- Delete(S, 1, I);
- I := Pos(',', S);
- if I > 0 then begin
- Temp := Trim(Copy(S, 1, I - 1));
- Result.Top := StrToIntDef(Temp, Def.Top);
- Delete(S, 1, I);
- I := Pos(',', S);
- if I > 0 then begin
- Temp := Trim(Copy(S, 1, I - 1));
- Result.Right := StrToIntDef(Temp, Def.Right);
- Delete(S, 1, I);
- Temp := Trim(S);
- Result.Bottom := StrToIntDef(Temp, Def.Bottom);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function PointToStr(P: TPoint): string;
- begin
- with P do Result := Format('[%d,%d]', [X, Y]);
- end;
- function StrToPoint(const Str: string; const Def: TPoint): TPoint;
- var
- S: string;
- Temp: string[10];
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Def;
- S := Str;
- if (S[1] in Lefts) and (S[Length(Str)] in Rights) then begin
- Delete(S, 1, 1); SetLength(S, Length(S) - 1);
- end;
- I := Pos(',', S);
- if I > 0 then begin
- Temp := Trim(Copy(S, 1, I - 1));
- Result.X := StrToIntDef(Temp, Def.X);
- Delete(S, 1, I);
- Temp := Trim(S);
- Result.Y := StrToIntDef(Temp, Def.Y);
- end;
- end;
- { TRxIniFile }
- constructor TRxIniFile.Create(const FileName: string);
- begin
- inherited Create(FileName);
- FListItemName :=idnListItem;
- FOnReadObject := nil;
- FOnWriteObject := nil;
- end;
- destructor TRxIniFile.Destroy;
- begin
- //if (FListItemName <> nil) and (FListItemName^ <> '') then Dispose(FListItemName);
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.Flush;
- var
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- CFileName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of WideChar;
- {$ELSE}
- CFileName: array[0..127] of Char;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then
- WritePrivateProfileStringW(nil, nil, nil, StringToWideChar(FileName,
- CFileName, MAX_PATH))
- else
- WritePrivateProfileString(nil, nil, nil, PChar(FileName));
- {$ELSE}
- WritePrivateProfileString(nil, nil, nil, StrPLCopy(CFileName,
- FileName, SizeOf(CFileName) - 1));
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.DeleteKey(const Section, Ident: String);
- var
- CSection: array[0..127] of Char;
- CIdent: array[0..127] of Char;
- CFileName: array[0..127] of Char;
- begin
- WritePrivateProfileString(StrPLCopy(CSection, Section, SizeOf(CSection) - 1),
- StrPLCopy(CIdent, Ident, SizeOf(CIdent) - 1), nil,
- StrPLCopy(CFileName, FileName, SizeOf(CFileName) - 1));
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function TRxIniFile.GetItemName: string;
- begin
- Result := FListItemName;
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.SetItemName(const Value: string);
- begin
- FListItemName := Value;
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.WriteObject(const Section, Item: string; Index: Integer;
- Obj: TObject);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnWriteObject) then FOnWriteObject(Self, Section, Item, Obj);
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadObject(const Section, Item, Value: string): TObject;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if Assigned(FOnReadObject) then Result := FOnReadObject(Self, Section, Item, Value);
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.WriteList(const Section: string; List: TStrings);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- EraseSection(Section);
- WriteInteger(Section, idnListCount, List.Count);
- for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin
- WriteString(Section, ListItemName + IntToStr(I), List[I]);
- WriteObject(Section, ListItemName + IntToStr(I), I, List.Objects[I]);
- end;
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadListParam(const Section: string; Append: Boolean;
- List: TStrings): TStrings;
- var
- I, IniCount: Integer;
- AssString: string;
- begin
- Result := List;
- IniCount := ReadInteger(Section, idnListCount, -1);
- if IniCount >= 0 then begin
- if not Append then List.Clear;
- for I := 0 to IniCount - 1 do begin
- AssString := ReadString(Section, ListItemName + IntToStr(I), idnDefString);
- if AssString <> idnDefString then
- List.AddObject(AssString, ReadObject(Section, ListItemName +
- IntToStr(I), AssString));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadClearList(const Section: string; List: TStrings): TStrings;
- begin
- Result := ReadListParam(Section, False, List);
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadList(const Section: string; List: TStrings): TStrings;
- begin
- Result := ReadListParam(Section, True, List);
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadColor(const Section, Ident: string;
- Default: TColor): TColor;
- begin
- try
- Result := StringToColor(ReadString(Section, Ident,
- ColorToString(Default)));
- except
- Result := Default;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.WriteColor(const Section, Ident: string; Value: TColor);
- begin
- WriteString(Section, Ident, ColorToString(Value));
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadRect(const Section, Ident: string; const Default: TRect): TRect;
- begin
- Result := StrToRect(ReadString(Section, Ident, RectToStr(Default)), Default);
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.WriteRect(const Section, Ident: string; const Value: TRect);
- begin
- WriteString(Section, Ident, RectToStr(Value));
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadPoint(const Section, Ident: string; const Default: TPoint): TPoint;
- begin
- Result := StrToPoint(ReadString(Section, Ident, PointToStr(Default)), Default);
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.WritePoint(const Section, Ident: string; const Value: TPoint);
- begin
- WriteString(Section, Ident, PointToStr(Value));
- end;
- function TRxIniFile.ReadFont(const Section, Ident: string; Font: TFont): TFont;
- begin
- Result := Font;
- try
- StringToFont(ReadString(Section, Ident, FontToString(Font)), Result);
- except
- { do nothing, ignore any exceptions }
- end;
- end;
- procedure TRxIniFile.WriteFont(const Section, Ident: string; Font: TFont);
- begin
- WriteString(Section, Ident, FontToString(Font));
- end;
- end.